Are you having gall bladder issues, would you like to find out?

I've been making good use of my time and educating myself about the function of the gall bladder and bile salts.

It turns out that if your gall bladder is under performing, it can prevent proper absorption of fat soluble vitamins, promote candida growth and help to create atherosclerosis. The atherosclerosis is created because your body is not getting the fat soluble vitamins to help it especially K2.

Psoriasis is also a byproduct of this as the toxins in your body built up by lack of bile try to escape via your skin.

The emotions behind the gall bladder are all about not having the gall to say, do or change anything thereby creating more stress and completing the vicious cycle.

If you would like help overcoming this condition or indeed any other then please feel free to contact me on 07714887462 or message me.

Kev Bailey


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January Update


Life happens. It's not always sunshine and lollipops