Exploding the heart wall

What is a heart wall? What am I burbling on about?

A heart wall is like an energetic breastplate that you surround your heart with when it's been hurt. You subconsciously create this to protect yourself from further hurt. It can consist of many layers and various energetic materials. The problem is that allowing these heartwalls to remain can affect your health. They can affect your meridian and energetic systems causing blockages and stagnation leading to either immediate health issues like palpitations, murmurs or pain, also possibly setting yourself up for issues in the longer term especially if you keep adding to their density and thickness. These may also hold you back from achieving a new relationship, fully committing to a new one or healing from past ones.

What happens if you remove them? It's normally like removing a backpack of bricks that you may have been slowly adding to. These represent the failed relationships, the build up of hurt and the walls around you. It doesn't just have to be romantic relationships it can be family, friends or enemies that have created a lack of love towards you in the past. It may even be lack of self love. So removing these walls allows you to find love again not only for yourself but the world in general. Removal helps you to raise your vibration, enhance your connection to the Universal energies that help support you and draw to you your worthy abundance allowing you to bloom and fulfil your highest possible purpose in life.

So if this resonates and you are ready to release that which no longer serves you then please give me a shout.

Thanks Kev


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Men’s Sexual Abuse


Chakra Blockages